My vocal recording only heard at one side on ACID music studio 11.

VietTri wrote on 3/21/2020, 3:57 PM

I'm newbie here to trying to recording myself on ACID music studio 11. After rendered I heard the vocal was only on one side of monitor.

Do I need a stereo microphone or using "pan" to balance it to another side before rendering?

Another things is how can I find the "wave hammer plug in " for ACD music studio?

Thanks for your reading and sharing.


NicoKiri wrote on 4/9/2020, 2:43 AM

Hi VietTri,


that sounds like you have mixed your recorded track hard to one side in the panorama. Just try to balance the "pan" to 0 or middle. This should result in your recording being heard evenly on both sides.

All of your Plugins are listed in the "Plug-In-Manager". If the plugin is not listed you may have to add the path manually and do a rescan. You can easily add the path where the wave hammer plugin is located by clicking the button in the upper right corner of the plugin manager.

Hope this will help you.



Former user wrote on 4/9/2020, 3:03 AM

I'm newbie here to trying to recording myself on ACID music studio 11. After rendered I heard the vocal was only on one side of monitor.

Do I need a stereo microphone or using "pan" to balance it to another side before rendering?

Another things is how can I find the "wave hammer plug in " for ACD music studio?

Thanks for your reading and sharing.

When you choose a track to record, are you choosing "mono" track? I believe by default, it picks up a Stereo track. Look at the waveform, does it only have waves on the bottom or top channel and one is flatline? If so, there is your answer, choose a "Mono" track to record to. And no, you don't need a stereo mic.

Darren-Callahan wrote on 3/24/2021, 3:10 PM

Related to this, how do I just straight-up record in Mono. I see how to take a stereo track that's panned to one side in input and make mono (using a way-too-deep series of clicks in the channel selector), but that's AFTER you record the track. How do you set the audio track to just up front record as a mono track? SOUND FORGE does it, why can't ACID? There is nothing on the web about it and the things that there are keep referring to a RECORD DIALOG BOX, which isn't a thing in ACID Music Studio 11. Thanks!

Peter-Elfman wrote on 3/31/2021, 3:45 PM

Can you set the track to mono prior to recording?

GL-Lynn wrote on 4/4/2023, 5:35 PM

I have the same question... I can't see how to set the track to record in mono prior to recording. I can see from the recording level that it's only registering the sound on one side and I can't work out why, as the sound going in is in stereo... I can hear it. Is there something basic about the set-up that I'm missing?

SP. wrote on 4/5/2023, 1:48 AM

@GL-Lynn You should be able to select mono recording in the track header by clicking on the Record Device Selector button (Its icon looks like three white rectangles connected to a single white rectangle).

GL-Lynn wrote on 4/5/2023, 4:35 AM

Hey thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately there is no option for mono recording... input monitor modes on/off/auto and then a link to the soundcard which also doesn't offer any mono recording options....

SP. wrote on 4/5/2023, 5:09 AM

@GL-Lynn Can't you select in this menu the left or right channels individually?

GL-Lynn wrote on 4/5/2023, 5:15 AM


SP. wrote on 4/5/2023, 5:19 AM

@GL-Lynn Ok, maybe this depends on the audio driver. In the manual the selected driver is an ASIO driver. This screenshot shows that L and R channels can be selected in that case. Which driver are you using?

GL-Lynn wrote on 4/5/2023, 5:41 AM

I'm using a Focusrite usb ASIO which only offers Input 1 and Input 2 and Input 1/2 options. Anyway, I decided to try Input 2 instead of the default Input 1/Input 2 and it seems to have worked! Thanks for your help!

SP. wrote on 4/5/2023, 6:09 AM

@GL-Lynn Great to hear it worked.