
SP. wrote on 7/17/2024, 3:17 AM

@roger-s6350 What do you want to achieve? Should your microphone record something else than your voice?

roger-s6350 wrote on 7/17/2024, 12:13 PM

Yes, my guitar and piano .

SP. wrote on 7/17/2024, 3:18 PM

@roger-s6350 And has your microphone enough reach? Are you using the built-in microphone of the laptop? If you use a separate microphone there shouldn't be any change in sound quality between your old and new laptop.


Some information:

Depending on the microphone you use, you might only be able to capture sounds loud and clearly if you place the sound source directly in front of the microphone. So, if you sing into the microphone, your guitar or piano might be too far away and are overpowered by your voice.

In that case, you need to record your songs in multiple steps. First, record your guitar or piano. Put the microphone directly next to instrument. Try different positions until you get the best sound. After recording the first instrument, record the second one, then the third one etc. At the end, record your vocals.

Alternatively, you need to get an microphone that can record a complete room to record everything at once.