my keyboard won't connect

Badman_Bacon777 wrote on 2/21/2014, 3:58 PM

my keyboard wont connect or make any noise, the lights are flashing so it's on and it used to work but I must of done something and I don't know what becuase now it wont connect, also when it did work there was a slight lag, I was told to put on an asio driver but that was after it stopped working will that do anything and does anyone knoe why it wont connect?


nihon94 wrote on 2/21/2014, 5:36 PM

You have re-installed Music Maker did you re-set the keyboard connection?

First confirm if the keyboard is selected as in put device in Audio/Midi (program settings).

I think if you just take a look at the tutorial you might know something useful.


Former user wrote on 2/21/2014, 6:55 PM

 am always grateful when a user says " I must have done something becasue it was working....."  I know its hard to ccome clean, but the more we know and are told,  the better we can help you.  Nihon has personally answered this type of question .....Oh, say....a hundred times, so he finally made a tutorial.  i'm sure thaat by now your keyboard is once again flashing bbut this time with noise.