My audio track appears as one object. How can I split it to a R&L track? broncofan941 wrote on 8/22/2012, 1:44 PM I've heard that by right clicking the audio channel you should be able to select "Display sound channels" or "Extract sound channels" to seperate the channels into steroe or Dolby 5.1. I am using MEP MX and I do not have either of these options. Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 8/22/2012, 2:36 PM Hi You can do this - only with 5.1 surround sound where you can seperate the three stereo pairs in to their seperate channels. If you are using 5.1 surround sound video clips then, a s I have found, for some reason the options may have 'vanished' However if you reset the program to its defaults - File, Settings, Reset program to defaults - the options appear. If you do a reset you will have to re do any customised settings you have made to the program, eg file paths, then you will need to reset these. John 1