Music Studio 2016 Premium

diane-wetzel wrote on 11/12/2017, 10:39 PM

I need help.... newbie here lol...

I've tried using various music packages and get frustrated for one reason or another. Please, please be gentle if you can. I have vision issues, legal blindness and some neurological issues... I can't do a lot of reading....

I'm no longer getting the window at startup (even after reinstalling the sofrtware) to hear the demo song included with the program, what do I need to do?

Also: I'm using an M-Audio Keystation 88se...

I keep dinking with the settings and screw something up more often than not... at one point I had it so I could play the keyboard alone without having to choose an onboard keyboard, but now I have to choose a keyboard, what hvae I done wrong? Also, after downloading ASIO 4 ALL, I don't have lag when pressing keys, but I have lag with the soundpools (I have loaded a lot of extras)... also, I only have a few synths to choose from, should there be more? I may have more questions down the road, but I just need basic help for now getting started. Oh, also, in the midi editor, isn't there somewhere where I can view music notes? I thought I saw that somewhere, maybe that's in a different version or only in samplitude? Please see attached screenshots, I'm hoping someone is willing to work with me on all of this. Thank You...PS I'm using Windows
