Music Maker Question How to Copy Left Audio track to Right Audio Track

illwill239 wrote on 11/24/2010, 3:32 PM

how do i record my mic with the xlr cable only on the left channel on my interface (thats usb to my laptop) and copy the left track to the right track and have i playing out the right side to match.. I know how to do it in other programs but cant figure out this one and I really like the sound i get outa this..


CBY_TLSE wrote on 11/24/2010, 4:07 PM



Why not to record in mono?



illwill239 wrote on 11/24/2010, 4:27 PM




Why not to record in mono?




I thought i was recording in mono, I just cant get  my vocals to play down the middle, any help? im trying to copy the stuff i recorded that only plays down the left side of your car if ya played it in the car, im trying to get it centered any tips? thanks so much for your answer

nihon94 wrote on 11/24/2010, 5:27 PM



You did not mention Music Maker version.

After reading your question I was thinkg what if you could do as follows:

First Record what ever you can without your left right thing.

Then use the following

When your audio is on arranger right click and from menu

More Options/Convert stereo in to two mono



Or use Mixer for left and right or else


I know this answer is not your solution just I thought may be it will help


(I am using MMM 16 Premium)


Thank you


illwill239 wrote on 11/24/2010, 5:40 PM



The convert stereo in to two mono was the closest i have gotten, i had my girlfriend speak into the mic just to test and i clicked that button and was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then instantly I opened up a song project i was doing, and went to one of the tracks that was only recorded on the left just like my gf's test, and it did something different it played like another part of the song on the right side, like it glitched or something, maybe that is my only choice and i have to figure it out.. any other tips much abliged theres got to be an easy way in Cool Edit you highlight the right channel delete it, copy the left channel and paste it in the right


its set to play right on the right channel in cool edit, when i attempt to do the same on magix, it doubles on the left still no right


ahh the frustration, its gotta be simple and i have to be a dumbass cuz ive recorded music a long time without this problem, i just never had an interface/preamp

illwill239 wrote on 11/24/2010, 5:40 PM

and in the mixer when i try to tune it to the right side, it just mutes

nihon94 wrote on 11/24/2010, 6:19 PM



If you have purchased Music Maker(software)recently then you should also ask Magix support from their web for answer to your problem.


In the meantime here may be more user will guide you.


I am impressed you are working hard to solve your problem that is great.

Wish you success.


CBY_TLSE wrote on 11/25/2010, 3:21 AM



Are you sure to record in MONO mode, one mic OK, but what parameters in section 3 of the recording submenu and in your audio interface? MONO is centered and can be pan L or R.


In MMM, press the "TAB" key of your keyboard. Do you see one wave or two waves (with an empty one) on your record object? Compare with a full stereo object, in this case you can see 2 different waves (R & L).


Nota : "TAB" acts like a switch for waves representation.



nihon94 wrote on 11/25/2010, 8:19 PM



Further to my previous answers I tested my self using audio interface. I do not know which interface you use I got Tascam US 122 MKII, I plugged in Mic to L and turned on Phantom power switch. (There is also mono recording switch in interface).

In MMM 16 Premium on an empty track I clicked Rec on left then on Record above Media pool.

Audio recording window popped up and after some setttings I recorded on Left channel only, then by clicking on right cursor from menu I tried to convert to mono or both channel.


I also checked customer support Tascam Japan and they also guide me as you are talking recording in centre by software. MMM 16 or Premium is not DAW therefore we can not work as we want for professional things we need Magix Samplitude.


One thing I want to share, for mono recording easily in MMM 16 Premium. Open Magix Music Maker and click "R" key it will open audio recording click on Advanced tab refer image below


Then choose mono refer image below


Thank you


illwill239 wrote on 11/27/2010, 8:56 AM

@nihon94 thanks alot i knew it was something simple, lol, i feel dumb and relieved. I clicked advance and mono and i was set. Thanks alot yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont know how much i appreciate that lol




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