I have the music maker mx production suite and I was wondering if there were any good tutorials so I can learn how to use it a bit better. I'm through all the basics so I'm looking to get some more help with some of the advanced features.
Did you look at these tutorials on the Magix site?
There are also some tutorials on this Forum. Click on the Tutorials tab and take a look.
There are also many tutorials on YouTube. Do a search. Kraznet has done hundreds of tutorials about Magix Samplitude, many of which are useful for the lower level Music Maker and Music Studio.
As well, read the manual and try out everything in MMM while you are doing so. Do the same when you review the Magix video tutorials so that you get hands-on experience.
For more information on the plugins, see the manuals (pdf files) that are probably on your hard disk at:
C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Analogue Modelling Suite Plus
C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\essentialFX Suite
C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\VariVerb II
C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Vintage Effects Suite
The above were installed automatically when I installed some of the versions of MMM and Music Studio and Samplitude Music Studio. However, you may have them somewhere. I did a search of all pdf files in the ProgramData folder, opened the English ones, and copied and renamed them in my own Magix Manuals folder, so that I have everything together. Magix has a bad tendency to simply name all manuals as 'Manuals.pdf" so you don't know what they are for.
Look also for the manual for Music Editor which may have come with your version of MMM.
Here is a thread in this forum under Q&A in which I explain the overall work flow.
And if there is something that you learn and there is no tutorial available for it, by all means make one and post it.