Music Maker - Feel Good Soundpool gone ?

KevNBass wrote on 3/26/2020, 9:20 AM


I installed MMM like a week ago and started making a sound with demo Feel Good soundpool. Now I just opened the project today and it can't find that soundpool anywhere so my project is lost, basically. Doesn't seem to be anywhere on PC and I couldn't find download links...

Is it gone, or just me having a problem with it ?

Any chance to get it back ?


W10 x64


Graham-Hawker wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:42 AM

The standard location is:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Soundpools\Music Maker - Feel good

You could reinstall the free version and it should come back. It would be sensible to backup your project first.


KevNBass wrote on 3/26/2020, 11:49 AM

I went through all possible paths before posting, as I said, it doesn't seem to be anywhere on my PC.

I also tried to reinstall, no success...

EDIT : Checked again, I only have SHOP in said path.