Music Maker 27 Direct sound not working with midi controller

ka-vu wrote on 7/15/2018, 1:02 AM

What I was doing was using (Direct sound) in (Music Maker 25) which allows me to simultaneously hear other audio sources from web browser videos, discord voice chat, and play beats with tones through my midi controller in (Music Maker 25) but (Music Maker 27) isn't functioning the same as (Music Maker 25).

After upgrading from (Music Maker 25) to (Music Maker 27) it seems that (Music Maker 27) is missing (Direct sound) for midi controller.
I've reinstalled (Music Maker 25) once to see if it would work again and my midi controller (CASIO WK-110) does work with (Direct sound);
However now I have (Music Maker 27) reinstalled once again, and (Direct sound) for (Music Maker 27) has shown that it is not functioning with my midi controller (CASIO WK-110).
An alternative would be to run in (ASIO)>(Magix Low Latency 2016) - it allows the midi controller to work with tones in (Music Maker 25) & (Music Maker 27); however this would conflict with other apps that have audio causing them to crash while they're playing or go silent which isn't good if I am monitoring other audio sources.
Another alternative would be to reinstall (Music Maker 25) and don't upgrade.
It would be nice to know if this issue for (Music Maker 27) will be or can be resolved, thanks!


ralftaro wrote on 7/27/2018, 8:58 AM

Hi there,

Unfortunately, what you're experiencing is most likely a side effect of the new Samplitude-based audio engine in Music Maker 2019 (27.x). When using Wave or DirectSound drivers, it doesn't allow for any monitoring of the MIDI input via the software instruments while in "stop" mode or while recording. (If you do perform a recording, you should find that the recording itself actually works fine, and you can then hear your software instrument playing the recorded notes when playing back the arrangement again.) Therefore, we can only recommend that you opt for using ASIO or WASAPI drivers in the program settings. Since these are also the only driver types that will allow for sufficiently low latency times, these should be your preferred choices in the context of any audio or MIDI recording workflow anyway. (I do understand your motiviation to use DirectSound in the first place, but I'm afraid there's no way around ASIO/WASAPI here.)

Hope this information helps!

Xreama wrote on 10/5/2018, 10:42 PM

im having the same exact issue, and my main problem now i cannot stream as i create, because no form of streaming program picks up ASIO/WASAPI, so now i can create... and stream.... but noone can blooody hear the damn thing... i think it was a mistake to do this.. or at least in another update put this back , its ruined part of my music / social streaming timetable now....

ka-vu wrote on 10/6/2018, 12:48 AM

I hope they get this fixed someday... someday. I spent 70$ only to find this one feature is different - or rather, it isn't available for MM version 27 if it isn't working properly. As for MM version 25, I can use most of the features bought with premium edition however I get a spam message telling me to upgrade to premium edition even though I already have it and most of the time it cannot be disabled.

By the way, Direct Sound has minimal to no latency as compared to ASIO-Low Latency. I'm not so sure if the Direct Sound from MM Version 27 isn't supposed to be able to play with other programs as, of course, mentioned in the first post MM Version 25's Direct Sound does work just fine with other programs; I suppose it could just be overlooked but should be looked into sometime soon... someday.