Music Maker 2025 Premium - Split MIDI track into separate tracks

Julian_Julia wrote on 7/15/2024, 8:33 AM

I have recorded a single MIDI file, consisting of several instruments (solo, base, drums, etc) on my keyboard. I have imported the file to Music Maker via the MIDI editor. Is it possible to split the 6 instruments into separate tracks so I can edit them one by one? After the import they are all in track 1.


SP. wrote on 7/16/2024, 5:16 AM

@Julian_Julia Music Maker is somewhat limited here. Open the MIDI object in the MIDI Editor. There you can find a MIDI channel filter under the options menu. You need to filter the channels you don't want in that track.

You can also try to copy and paste the notes of each channel to a new, empty MIDI objects.

Julian_Julia wrote on 7/16/2024, 5:40 AM

@Julian_Julia Music Maker is somewhat limited here. Open the MIDI object in the MIDI Editor. There you can find a MIDI channel filter under the options menu. You need to filter the channels you don't want in that track.

You can also try to copy and paste the notes of each channel to a new, empty MIDI objects.

Thank you! But I don't understand your last sentence. By turning on/off the channels 1-16 in the filter I can see which the other 5 channels except 1 are (4, 9, 10, 13, 15). So if I e.g. only choose channel 4 in the filter, that part is the only one I hear when I play the song. But the channels themselves are all empty except number 1. Is there any way I can edit the channels one by one? E.g. if I want to have different EQ for different channels.

SP. wrote on 7/16/2024, 6:43 AM

@Julian_Julia Copy and paste your MIDI object onto different tracks and filter different channels for each one. Then you can add different effects for each track.