I know someone will have an answer here.... beatbox is in my first track, and I am unable to get it to record when playing the beatbox below with any waves, it's flat with no sound. what am I doing wrong? It should be recording when I press record.
@Jill-Ledet I'm not exactly sure what are you trying to achieve? You can't hear anything? Then make sure you have selected an ASIO driver in the Music Maker Audio/MIDI program settings. For example the Music Maker ASIO driver.
Do you want to record the output in real-time? Then you need some kind of audio loopback recording.
There are different options to achieve this, for example via the Stereo Mix or What You Hear or via an ASIO audio interface with loopback or via a virtual audio cable or by using a cable to connect the audio output of your computer with the microphone input.
ty for replying, I found a file that recorded 5 sec and I opened it and stretched it out, and it works, it was confusing because I saw no waves, and didn't hear anything when I played it back, but when I found the file and put it in the track, I could hear it. am also using live pads and that's another one that when I played it back, some of the parts were gone and I had to reinsert them, not sure on that one. still getting used to this program. I'm used to using studio one but I like some of the features on the premium I purchased last summer. anyway ty again.