Music Maker 2022 crashes during playback

Cameron-McDade wrote on 12/11/2021, 4:08 PM

Back in 2017, my father purchased Music Maker Plus Edition 2018 for me as a gift. My old laptop could not run it without freezing up. Now, recently I bought a Lenovo gaming laptop, and thought I'd install it on here. It is a brand new Windows 11 laptop with an intel i5 core. I downloaded Music Maker 2018 from my products page, and it ran fine, except for the fact that it was always updating, and it would crash during MIDI playback. Thinking I would have better luck with the new version, I uninstalled the 2018 edition and then installed the free version of Music Maker 2022. Now, this product is all fine and dandy, works great on my computer, except that it once again crashes during playback. I'm also having trouble with the ASIO drivers, that seems to make the software crash as well. I always get the same blank error when this happens. I'll upload a screen shot just in case.

This is the error I get when trying to use ASIO drivers:

And this is the crash report:

Please let me know if I need to add additional information. The program gave me no clue as to what could be causing this error.


Frank_Fader wrote on 12/14/2021, 8:47 AM

Does it work better when using WAVE driver Audio system? Without ASIO (or DirectSound), you cannot hear VST-Instruments in Stopp-Mode (and also no BeatBox then), but everything else should work.