Music Maker 14 Latency

u84six wrote on 4/27/2009, 4:24 PM
I'm just curious if anyone has been able to successfuly tweak Music Maker so that there's very little latency. I'm aware that it depends on your hardware and drivers, but I don't seem to have a problem with apps like Sonar. When running Music Maker, the latency is unbearable and I can't record guitar, bass, or even midi events. I've got a top-of-the-line pc running vista 32, and for hardware I have a Presonus firebox. I've tried all of the available drivers and some don't work at all, and the ones that do work, the latency is horrible no matter how I tweak the buffers. This shouldn't be a problem at all with the Presonus Firebox. It's zero latency, and from how it performs with Sonar (and a few other apps), I would think it should be fine with MM.

I really like the simplicity of this software, but I can't tolerate the latency issue. Any help will be appreciated.


siglersmalz wrote on 4/29/2009, 3:12 PM
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by latency, but my experience has been that after recording an audio track (electric guitar, for example), the track is always slightly behind the other tracks. 

The fix is simple, I just trim off the empty beginning of the newly recorded track, then move the entire track left to match up with the rest of the project.  It's a hassle, but so far it's always worked.

You may have to give more details about the latency issue you are having, if my suggestion doesn't apply.

Good luck,

son354 wrote on 6/15/2009, 10:27 AM
I too find it unbearable- and clipping off the first few seconds doesnt work because after about 15 seconds the tracks are out of synch again.
Magix needs to fix this software by removing the background tasks while recording
Singey wrote on 7/4/2009, 4:09 AM
I have this issue with MM 15 and I just can't fix it. It did not happen with MM12. Trying the Magix Low Latency driver crashed my PC.

Am getting very frustrated - I just paid another lot of money to upgrade to MM15 Premium because MM15 didn't have the same features of MM12, and now have a whole host of other new problems.