music i just made on magic sounds like crap when recorded

xfacta wrote on 4/28/2010, 4:31 PM

i put together a nice lil track made from magic soundpool but when i record it and play it back i'm hearing cracking and poping in the background.. i'm ajusting line in levels, gain and recording levels but it still sounds like crap. please help me i'd like to put out a couple of hot tracks this summer


Securityman wrote on 4/28/2010, 9:45 PM
 Not sure if I am understanding what you are doing...You have created a "song" using samples from the soundpool, then you are recording them? Does it sound good when you play it in Magix before you record it? How are you recording the song from Magix (tape deck, DVD, DAT, direct plug into a recording deck...etc.)?

Maybe post a sample of the problem audio in your next posting.
Procyon wrote on 4/29/2010, 10:21 AM
It may be that English is not his best language, and he's having difficulty expressing himself properly.  We'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt.  However, the multiple postings about the same problem are getting annoying.

It's possible he means "exporting"...not "recording".

The first thing he should do is make sure his audio drivers are up to date and properly installed.  Then, he should make sure the audio settings in MMM are set correctly for the audio driver and sound card he is using.