Multicore related problem

Frdric-Martin1657 wrote on 2/8/2021, 2:19 AM


Using Samplitude pro X5, windows 10, RME fireface UFX soundcard, Asio drivers.

I'm experiencing audio dropouts and crackles with an high end configuration AMD Ryzen9 (12 cores), Asus P570 Mobo, even with a CPU load AT ONLY 20%. (quite heavy projects with real time monitoring and VTIs). Fresh install of the system.

It's getting worst with more cores enabled. The best settings seems to be 4, but still unusable for real time rendering.
I've tried all buffers size but it doesnt affect anything.
After seraches on the internet, checked out my DPC latency, optimized the bios settings (C-state disabled, SMT disabled etc...) but still the same problem.

Looks like the handling of multicore is glitchy and causes latency problems.

Any idea of a solution ? Anyone with the same problem? It seems Cubase users used to experience the same problem, finally fixed by steinberg.

