
Former user wrote on 4/29/2009, 3:44 AM
Hi babsvogel, it is possible to create website with more than one language in website maker.
Lethal has written a great workshop for this case, but it´s only in german. see the workshop here.
@ all community users: is anyboby here who can translate the main aspects of the workshop for babsvogel? Ciao! Revolver
XXMerosticXX wrote on 4/29/2009, 9:03 AM

I will. I'll tell you when I'm done, I should be able to do it today.

...uhm....well, I just can't make any english screenshots. I'll translate the text and keep the german screenshots with some explainations and will replace them as soon as I can.

XXMerosticXX wrote on 4/29/2009, 2:23 PM
This is gonna be a long day in office and I guess the document is at home. So, I will just have s hort overview here so you can get started and add the workshop within the next days.

Do not choose a navigation from the pool. It won't work in this case. Never.

Start the Website Maker & Make a new project

Make the background and your preferences like size & stuff

Create a new page and call it something like "Choose Language"

Create all the pages you want to have twice, for two languages. For example you want a german (ger) and english (eng) page. And you want to have a page calles "news", a page calles "projects" and a page called "contact".

Create - besides your "Choose language" page - 6 pages then: news_ger, news_eng, projects_ger, projects_eng, contact_ger, contact_eng.

I guess you figured out what I want to tell you.
You can, of course also make three languages here....or create pages that only apear in one of the languages.

Now you have to make the user choose his languages, right?
Just choose your "Chosse language" page on the left side and insert two flag-graphics, or just write "English" and "German" least you need two objects the user can click on to decide, which language he wants.

The objects have to be linked now (Properties - Linking). The english flag / word / whatever shall link to "News_eng". And the other one, the german flag or word or whatever, has to lead to "news_ger". Now, we're close to it.

As I said, you don't can bring up a pre-made navigation. So what to do?
Make your own!

Create every single button (not the whole navigation) in a graphic tool, insert them as graphics and link them manually to the target-pages.

Problem: You have to create the navigation for every single page.

By the way, you even can make the user choose language all the time, by just having to lil flags in the background, which are shown on all pages and lead to the matching language.

I know, I know this was a little bit rough and sloppy but it may help you to get at least started, until I am able to find, translate and publish my workshop !