Multi-Cam Bug?

rjkowalski wrote on 2/1/2013, 6:32 PM

I did a quick search and didn't find this reported as a bug so I just sent this into customer support.  I'm curious if anyone has experienced the same multi-cam editing issue.

In Multi-cam mode, I have selected two source tracks and they are clearly in view & selectable as I play through the project. There are times that I need to stop the playback and use the cursor keys to pick an exact camera switch location. When I select a different camera with playback stopped, it highlights the selected camera view but often doesn't make the switch in the master track (track #1).  Also, the camera views will sometimes show the beginning of the video although the play marker still shows my current editing location. Play around with precise camera switching in multi-cam mode and you should be able to replicate this bug.

While editing live theatre footage, it's often crucial that I can choose the exact frame of the camera switch. 

Other than this, I'm really enjoying this software versus the editing software I've previously used.  I just wish there were more tutorials & youtube videos for more advanced editing. 



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