mp3 convert

Felix-Diaz wrote on 8/5/2021, 12:49 PM

En Sound Forge tengo problemas al momento de convertir un audio a MP3 y poner la informacion en CUSTOM, se queda congelado el software a veces por un minuto, a veces mas, incluso hay momentos en que ya no responde...

Tambien me pasa con ACID Pro, hay momentos en que se me cierra y me da problemas con los MorphPad..

In Sound Forge I have problems when converting an audio to MP3 and putting the information in CUSTOM, the software freezes sometimes for a minute, sometimes more, there are even moments when it no longer responds ...

It also happens to me with ACID Pro, there are times when it closes and gives me problems with the MorphPads ..


rraud wrote on 8/6/2021, 12:00 PM

This sounds like a PC issue since the behavior is in two separate applications, and AFAIK,the MP3 codecs are not shared.
Does the same behavior exist when saving as PCM wave files?
A work-a-round is to render a PCM file and use a free third-party MP3 encoder like LAME. I like the WinLAME RC3 GUI which offers more custom parameter options than the native Sound Forge encoder and most other MP3 encoders for that matter.

Otherwise, if you have Magix version of SF,you may want to request a Magix tech support ticket (If it is a little confusing, this cheat sheet may help).


Felix-Diaz wrote on 8/6/2021, 12:11 PM

Thanks for the help. It only happens to me when I save the audios when I name them in custom. when saving them in Wav, everything does not happen normally.

It had never happened to me with previous softwares, and the same thing happens to me both in my work pc and in my home ...

mark-d4532 wrote on 8/13/2021, 6:46 PM

It is NOT a PC problem unless Felix and I are mysteriously using the same PC! I have the exact same problem. It occurs when in the dialogue for saving a file as an MP3 and you click on the second tab where you enter metadata (title, artist, etc). It hangs for up to a couple minutes.

I just "upgraded" from Sound Forge Pro 10 which worked flawlessly since....what 2012? I never have this issue with SF10, or Audacity. It is a SoundForge 15 problem. There are other bugs as well but I will post those in separate threads. I just want to bump this one in the hope that someone at Magix reads these. There doesn't appear to be any other way to report bugs or put in support tickets. When I try to do that their web page throws errors at me when I try to register. Just to register for this forum I had to use a different email address than the one I used to register my "" account because it repeatedly threw the same "internal server.." error.

Not loving Magix too much right now. I have been a Sound Forge user since version 3 in the 90's when they were Sonic Foundry. Sony was fine for many years after that, but this might be the end of a very long relationship with this software.

Jimrin wrote on 8/13/2021, 9:39 PM

I was literally just logging in to ask the same thing. I had the issue before and actually had it resolved but I got a new computer and nothing that worked before is working now. Without mp3, this software and my 365 subscription is worthless

SP. wrote on 8/14/2021, 2:31 AM

@Jimrin @mark-d4532 You can export in another format in SoundForge and use a free tool like XMediaRecode to create MP3 files until your problems are solved.

It is really hard to find the cause of the problem without you investigating what is going on. You need to use a Windows analytics tool called Process Monitor that makes a list of everything that is going on in your computer and need to check what is happening in the background when your SoundForge is slowing down.

mark-d4532 wrote on 8/14/2021, 7:28 AM

@Jimrin @mark-d4532 You can export in another format in SoundForge and use a free tool like XMediaRecode to create MP3 files until your problems are solved.

It is really hard to find the cause of the problem without you investigating what is going on. You need to use a Windows analytics tool called Process Monitor that makes a list of everything that is going on in your computer and need to check what is happening in the background when your SoundForge is slowing down.


mark-d4532 wrote on 8/14/2021, 8:03 AM

If I am to use another program to encode MP3 files I may just as well use another program, like Audacity for everything. I do not need to troubleshoot this with a Windows analytics tool when this is a known issue with multiple users. MAGIX needs to troubleshoot this and fix it. Soundforge Pro 10 works just fine on this same computer in which I just installed SF15. That is why I asked about bug reporting. The problem is with the software, not my, Jimrin's, and Felix's computers. When you have the same exact issue across multiple users, the issue is with the application. Magix needs to address this in an update. Software companies do this all the time.

rraud wrote on 8/14/2021, 11:47 AM

The latest Sound Forge Pro 15 build (64), addressed an MP3 issue. I do not know if it will fix everyone's MP3 issues. I cannot duplicate all the issues prior to the build 64 update.

There doesn't appear to be any other way to report bugs or put in support tickets.

See Requesting a tech support ticket instructions from another thread.