MP3 Audio sync problem on Video Pro X5

kenzaki wrote on 1/5/2014, 11:36 AM


Video Pro X5 ( on 2 different systems (XP & W7), video imported from DV CAM, lenght 10 min, no cuts/edit or other post proessing, 

if I export file in Mpeg it's al fine, if I export as AVI with audio PCM is fine, but if I export as AVI with Audio compression MPEG Layer 3 (Fraunhofer IIS Mpeg layer 3 , 44100Hz stereo 128k/bit (but with any value it's the same) , 

the audio after few minutes is not in sync with video (it arrive first ,   after 10 min videos by more than 1 sec).

Tried also with "Automatically create frametable during import" flagged but same problem.

Any idea ?



emmrecs wrote on 1/6/2014, 8:55 AM

Purely a guess on my part but does setting the mp3 to 48kHz, rather than 44.1, help?  My thinking is that your camera is almost certainly recording audio at 48kHz but your mp3, at 44.1kHz, will be as it were "truncated" and hence it is, effectively, running "faster" than your video.

Also, depending on various parameters like the codec being used, there are other threads on these forums about problems that avi files can have, given that "avi" is merely a container which can include a variety of contents.

If I have the chance later this afternoon I will atempt to duplicate what you are doing and see if I get the same result.


UPDATE: I did test this on my VPX5: I "exported as avi" a 13 minute section of a DV AVI video.  Once completed, I placed the exported version directly below the original on the timeline; by the end of the export, the video was approximately half a frame behind the original, with the audio a further half-frame "late", not perfect but certainly not a delay like you are seeing of "more than 1 second".  So I really don't know what to suggest!

However, never having used the "export as avi" option before I was concerned to see the "default" audio setting is as you state in your post. mp3, 128kB/s, 44.1kHz, with no apparent way to change any of those settings!

Just for experimental purposes I also chose to "Export audio as mp3", using those same settings, and then reimported this new audio file to the timeline.  The results were exactly the same, approximately a 1 frame difference after about 13 minutes. (I checked this by referencing the graphics of the audio on the original file with those of the exported mp3.)

Last changed by emmrecs on 1/6/2014, 10:32 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

kenzaki wrote on 1/7/2014, 3:08 PM

Tks for the answer.

compressing mp3 @ 48khz seams to solve the problem, I'll do other tests and report back.


By the way, @ 44100Hz, reimporting the exported file into VPX5 and playing on the timeline works fine, the 2 tracks are almost the same and audio is in sync.

The original file recorded from DV cam with VPX5 import is ok, played with VLC, WMP, DiVX and my DLNA TV , while the exported @44100Hz is out of sync

I also used the exported one with PCM audio, open with Virtualdub and then saved with audio compressed MP3 @ 44100Hz, it works fine.

So I guess there something strange (interaction) on the audio compression of VPX5 and external players