Recently Magix released Movie Studio 18. This has caused confusion for user of the previous version of Movie Studio especially those coming from the Vegas Studio generation SW. Those that have purchased previously Movie Studio 17 had still that version to be part of the Vegas family. The confusion was discovered by questions on the need to purchase HEVC codes in Movie Studio 18 which led to the clarification of the moderator that Movie Studio 18 is no longer a Vegas family member. Also the moderator Marco referred to this forum - even if the Movie Studio 18 is not even listed as one of the products covered by this forum at see enclosed screenshot below.
As in the original forum thread (see is explained the update offering in Movie Studio 17 to Movie Studio 18 is misleading as it does not explain that this update will take to user to a non-Vegas member. Moreover, the offering itself is displayed as an Vegas upgrade. (see 2nd screenshot below). Furthermore, the Movie Studio 18 product is announced by Magix via the url This suggests people MS18 is still a Vegas family member, regardless what moderators tell in fora.
Hence I recommend existing user of previous Movie Studio products not to take this upgrade until Magix has clarified all the ramifications of their offering to upgrade to Movie Studio. Personally I do not care that much if MS 18 is a Vegas family member or not but rather if this upgrade would force me to purchase codecs like the Magix HEVC/ACC codec that was included in MS17 and that I can truly in MS18 open my projects that I had in previous versions of Movie Studio. It says so in FAQ ( but now this aspect of MS18 not being a Vegas member has surfaced one starts to doubt if this is actually true. Also what does "older brothers" mean? Why not talk plain facts, like projects created under MS version x, y and z, can be opened (and will be converted when saved).
Movie Studio 18 is not mentioned as product for this community forum
Upgrade is offered as "Upgrade: Vegas Movie Studio Suite"