(Translated from Norwegian to English using Google translator.)
Upgrading Movie Studio 17 ........ was the call / commercial ......
I am shocked, upset, amazed, and extremely disappointed. There was an UPGRADE I read, but!
An upgrade?
An upgrade that is unable to open previous projects (* .vf) !! The 'upgrade' can not be used, I have to use Movie Studio 17, a fantastic program even though I also have, and use, VEGAS pro 18.
The toy program, the so-called upgrade, which has now been sold is not an upgrade of Movie Studio 17, definitely not!
Calling it an upgrade is a lie!
It's not an update either, so it's also a lie!
(I recently received a real update of Movie Studio 17)
In the last year, there has been no indication that this fatal shot was coming. And, the advertisement and the upgrade announcement contained nothing about the downgrade, it's just the name reminiscent of the amazing movie Studio 17 program and its predecessors.
I think I started with Sony's Movie Studio in 2008 ...
How can I fix / change the old projects with the "Brain New" toy program that customers have been tricked into buying?
I'm shocked by the customer care, and will never again be able to trust Magix, the shock will never be able to go away .. Not even if Vegas Pro will still have a 'Vegas pro lite' for users who want a powerful / fantastic program, and if in reality there will be a continued development of a Movie Studio, Vegas Movie Studio.
This recent 'Upgrade' will forever be remembered. It is a shock when a fantastic program is scrapped in favor of a toy program, of which there are plenty online from free programs to low cost programs. People are tricked by very nice (exaggerated) commercials into believing that the toy programs are simple and rich in content?
And, Magix has tricked its satisfied and loyal customers into believing that there was an upgrade. I think it's tacky.
Here I live, I think all people will say that what Magix has done will qualify to be called both deception, a crime and a deeply regrettable destruction of trust. Both the way it is done and that it has been done at all.
Rather get rid of toy programs, and let quality be a goal.
I'm shocked at the treatment MovieStudio users, customers, have been subjected to.
What's next? Will VEGAS pro 18 be 'upgraded' to VEGAS pro 19 in the way that Video Pro X is renamed Vegas pro 19, and gets the additional advertisement 'Brand New' ....? and good luck.