Movie Studio 16 freezes (not responding) when I select Render As...

Jacob-Warren wrote on 3/31/2020, 6:10 PM

I recently installed Movie Studio 16 Platinum on my Windows 10 PC, Intel Core i5-6400, 12GB RAM. I'm able to edit video and audio with minimal freezes or crashes. However, the app freezes "(not responding)" every single time I select "Render As...". The app also will not render if I try through the "Make Movie" option.

I have tried several different video file types including: MOV, MP4, AVHHD Video, and many other file types at different sizes.

I have tried the following solutions:

  • turn off my GPU Acceleration
  • enable multi core rendering... value=FALSE default=TRUE
  • enable s04 compound reader... value=FALSE default=TRUE
  • set my dynamic ram preview to 000
  • and all other solutions I have found on youtube tutorials and forums.

The app will not render for me. Does anyone have any new suggestions? The app has for far unfortunately been a complete waste of money and a lot of time.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!