Movie Edit Pro 2013 Crash message- Error in Module mpeg2.dll

mailboxmoney wrote on 5/16/2013, 9:13 PM

I have a Win 7 i5 laptop 4gb DDr3 memory and 500 gb HDD storage ( bought specifically for the purpose of video editing)

The crash message is:

Error in module 'MPEG2.DLL' (Load address: 0x0aac0000) to address oxoaaddeb7 Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

I would really appreciate a tip how to deal and solve this problem. I've not had a problem working with multicam ...nor with mts files before but here's what transpired.

In order to resize and re-position the mts files (Sony 260v HD camera), I must perform those changes prior to the multicam edit .  Otherwise, it erases all work (resizing and repositioning) done when delivered to tracks 1 and 2. The Catch 22, of course, is that I can't reduce the size of the files until I can get it into multicam edit mode.  And I can't get it into multicam edit mode without fixing the resizing and repositioning.

So I made all the resizing and repositioning changes to 5 hours of .mts files, lined up the audio to synch with the other .mp4 file, moved just this track to a separate movie and exported it as an .mp4. I did this figuring I could just import the whole new .mp4 file back into the timeline with the previously synced .mp4 and (cross my fingers) should synch up beautifully and be ready for multicam edit.  In hindsight, perhaps the first problem was that the file was too big?  5 hours of video took almost 10 hours to render.  And it never finished the job.  The file comes up empty of video even though it says it's a 15gb mp4 file. 

In any case, I tried then to re-open the project and try a different angle.  I've tried the other 'fixes' in the forum here and have ensured that the DEP is turned on for windows files only as well as re-booting the computer to 'release' any dll files it might be holding on to.'s the BIG problem-  I can't get back into MEP 2013 matter what project I attempt to open.  Even projects which have never had any problems. That tells me that the problem is not isolated to just this project but to the software itself now.

I continuously get the Crash message and the  only function I'm able to perform is to CLOSE the software.

Any help you can give me- even the smallest little tidbits - might help.  I'm tearing my hair out of my head as I need this softwre to complete this project quickly.

One thought? 
Is there a way to just re- install this .dll file as an overwrite ?  When I search it , it comes up in 4 or 5 different MEP file folders. Not sure how I would find a new version of this file - or if I'm waaaaay out in left field and that wouldn't work anyway. 

Help.  Please.
For your assistance, I'd be happy to send you.... a virtual Margarita ;-) 

Thanks in advance!



emmrecs wrote on 5/17/2013, 4:18 AM

Not sure I can give you anything like a comprehensive answer, but reading your post (in particular, the details of the hoops you need to jump through before starting your multicam edit) my first question is why?  I don't understand why you must "resize and reposition" your original files.  Can you not do the multicam edit first and then do any resize and reposition on the edited files?

However, to tackle your main problem of the software apparently not now opening: my preferred option always in this scenario is to use the (free or paid for, at your choice) Revo Uninstaller in its advanced/deep clean mode to completely uninstall ALL remnants of MEP 2013 from your machine.  Then reboot your computer and reinstall the software.  (You will also have to reset any "customisations" you have made to MEP.)



Last changed by emmrecs on 5/17/2013, 4:18 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 16 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

wisjam89 wrote on 5/17/2013, 3:38 PM

I have this SAME!! error message , i am running windows 8 pro 64 bit ( new build)  and can't get past 10 min of    video editing with out getting this error . I have contacted support  and gone through some steps to try and figure out the poblem to no avail they don't seem to know what they are doing and told me to  return the software, i hope somone can help with this issue i have many hours of time put into this project . i am importing avchd file's off of a dvd burned from my video recorder and then simple editing from there.


intel 3930k cpu

avga video graphic card 670 ftw

asus p9x79 pro

gskill ripjaw 32gb 1600rpm of ram

windows 8 pro 64 bit

                                                                     more than enough for this software

mailboxmoney wrote on 5/18/2013, 8:47 PM

wisjam and emmrec,

Thanks for checking in so quickly.  So here's what I ended up doing...

I pondered purchasing REvo Uninstaller Pro (as I have a 64 bit machine), but sat on this for a day or two.  When I awoke today, a thought came to me.  Why not try deleting the file that was created which caused all the problems in the first place- plus all it's associated files in the folder?!  Since that was the original culprit (or so it appears), couldn't hurt, right? After I did that, I rebooted the laptop (to make sure there was no 'synapses' still connecting) and...

Voila! I can now open Magix and it even seems to open the original Magix Movie Project associated with the culprit file. So, Wisjam89, you might want to simply go back and delete the file you originally created (and all it's movie files, hdp's , and whatever else is associated with it) that started the problem in the first place.  Not sure if that helps you, but it did the trick for me. Keep me posted.  I'd like to know if this might've been the simple solution for you all along.

Jeff (Emmrec),
The reason I was resizing and positioning the Track is because of the 5 hour issue.  I start with a fair amount of raw data.  That particular track has close ups of art that is in lesson form- so details are important. For me to go back in , after the fact (multicam), will cause waaaaaay more hassle.  As in, hundreds of clips toggling between the far away shot and the close up shots. But apparently, since Magix hasn't found a way to correct this issue, I'm going to have to do just that.  In other words, I'm forced to go into the multicam edit and resize and'/or reposiition hundreds of cuts.  What a pain!  Does every video editing piece of software do this...or just Magix?


I've already thrown this out there but it can't hurt to ask again...
Magix, can you please consider making an update where one can re-size/reposition their Tracks PRIOR TO the multicam edit ...AND have it stick?  This seems like it should be such an easy fix that should've happened way back in Movie Edit Pro 1.whatever.  Dontchathink?

If anyone has a better workaround for this re-sizing /positioning problem, I would love to hear it.  Meanwhile, I'm off to go waste some time ;-(

Thanks for your ear(s),



emmrecs wrote on 5/19/2013, 9:43 AM


wisjam and emmrec,

Jeff (Emmrec),

The reason I was resizing and positioning the Track is because of the 5 hour issue.  I start with a fair amount of raw data.  That particular track has close ups of art that is in lesson form- so details are important. For me to go back in , after the fact (multicam), will cause waaaaaay more hassle.  As in, hundreds of clips toggling between the far away shot and the close up shots. But apparently, since Magix hasn't found a way to correct this issue, I'm going to have to do just that.  In other words, I'm forced to go into the multicam edit and resize and'/or reposiition hundreds of cuts.  What a pain!  Does every video editing piece of software do this...or just Magix?


I've already thrown this out there but it can't hurt to ask again...
Magix, can you please consider making an update where one can re-size/reposition their Tracks PRIOR TO the multicam edit ...AND have it stick?  This seems like it should be such an easy fix that should've happened way back in Movie Edit Pro 1.whatever.  Dontchathink?

If anyone has a better workaround for this re-sizing /positioning problem, I would love to hear it.  Meanwhile, I'm off to go waste some time ;-(

Thanks for your ear(s),



Hi Paula.

Great to hear you solved your problem and thanks for posting back to tell us the outcome.  It is not at all unknown for a corrupted project file (which it appears you had) to completely ruin a lot of hard work!

Now I understand why you need to "resize and reposition" before the multicam edit I can see what you are trying to do.  However, what you need to consider is that you are carrying out one rendering stage (which is almost certain to reduce the quality somewhat) prior to multicam edit and then re-rendering (with the distinct possibility of further quality loss.)  

If you were able to do your "resizing" on the edited multicam tracks you would then be carrying out only ONE final render and so keeping the final video quality as high as it can be, and hopefully save some precious time!

In answer to your question as to whether MEP/VPX is the only software to NOT keep those earlier "resize reposition edits" you did: in common with all NLEs (non-linear editors) no changes are EVER made to your original video files.  The .mvp file, if you were able to read it, you would discover it is merely a very detailed set of "instructions" which, when you decide to render your footage to its final format, tells the rendering engine EXACTLY which portions of your original file(s) are to be copied in what order with with effects, transitions etc. etc., to produce the "final output".  

So no, this is not something "unique" to MAGIX products!


Last changed by emmrecs on 5/19/2013, 9:43 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 16 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

wisjam89 wrote on 5/20/2013, 1:01 PM

Yeah, thanks for the idea but i have allready tried that and it  worked  great for a momment then I added more video  clips to it and my trouble started all over again with even more issues- all my files had a PINK tint to them (what the) i even loaded new clips and they too came out with a pink tint, it seemed the art color tool was effecting it, i was able to change it back by messing with that tool and apply to the whole project but that didn't solve the issue with new clip being imported  loading up that way. so i started deleting clips again and moving stuff around and THEN!!  i noticed a piece of footage that had a fade to it was stuck and turned the whole clip into a  small box ( you have got to be kidding me) and i could not fix so i had to delete that too, along with still having the issue with the mpeg-2  dll. error  crash, customer service being no help, i exported  the whole project to mp4 and imported it to another software ( power director) and it plays fine on that one so far, next i think im going to try deleting magix and start over I really wanted this to work as i like the software and am still looking for other options to fix this.

wisjam89 wrote on 5/20/2013, 1:10 PM

Oh!!  I forgot to mention I  also called microsoft and let them take control of my computer  to try and fix this mpeg- 2 error and after a computer scan and reinstall some drivers thay came up with nothing wrong with my computer and told me to contact magix support and we know how that turned out.

mailboxmoney wrote on 5/23/2013, 6:17 PM

Thanks for the update.  I know what you mean.  Sometimes continually trying to make one piece of software is simply not worth the time. You spend more money (read: hours) trying to solve the problem another software just might do better.   I too want to make Magix work as I've been using their products for a very long time.  But this downtime is just killing my thrill of this project.

I got this to work again but now have more issues with mp4s playing incorrectly (yet work in all other players except  Magix). Grrrrrr.

Does PowerDirector have multicam options ?  If so, are you using them?

mailboxmoney wrote on 5/23/2013, 6:21 PM

In answer to your question as to whether MEP/VPX is the only software to NOT keep those earlier "resize reposition edits" you did: in common with all NLEs (non-linear editors) no changes are EVER made to your original video files.  The .mvp file, if you were able to read it, you would discover it is merely a very detailed set of "instructions" which, when you decide to render your footage to its final format, tells the rendering engine EXACTLY which portions of your original file(s) are to be copied in what order with with effects, transitions etc. etc., to produce the "final output". 



I'm not sure how this fits in with the question. And perhaps my situation is rather unique.  But, please allow me to rephrase (as I certainly understand that my original files remain unchanged).  Have you worked with...or do you know of...any other video editing software that DOES allow me to re-size/reposition prior to multicam editing?

matau1971 wrote on 6/25/2013, 3:16 PM

Ich hatte folgenden Fehler beim Anlegen eines neuen Projektes; Fehler im Modul "mpeg2.dll" Folgenden Hinweis hat mir der Magix Support gegeben und es hat funktioniert.

löschen Sie bitte einmal folgende Datei: (der Pfa

C:\Users\mt\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013 Plus\Videodeluxe.ini

Falls Sie den Ordner "AppData" nicht sehen, müssen Sie zuvor versteckte Ordner anzeigen lassen.

Gehen Sie hierzu in der Systemsteuerung auf "Ordneroptionen" und setzen Sie unter "Ansicht" bei "Versteckte Dateien und Ordner" die Option auf "Alle Dateien und Ordner anzeigen".