
gandjcarr wrote on 8/13/2012, 1:32 PM


Most likely, what you refer to has nothing to do with MEP but everything to do with your system.  Try defragmenting your hard drive, de-fragementing and cleaning your registry, and make sure that your available memory is up to the spec for what you are trying to accomplish.  5 minutes is a long time to load a application, any application and it tells me that you really need to look at your system performance, not the appliacation that you are trying to run.


Yimbo wrote on 8/14/2012, 4:56 AM

Thanks Gandjcarr for your very prompt and helpful reply.    What you've suggested was my first thoughts on the problem - i.e. some sysytem performance issue.   However, whilst I prefer using Magix Movie Edit Pro 16 HD, I also use Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10 which starts up in about 15 seconds!    All my other installed programs, including four Magix products, start up almost immediately.     My system is Windows XP Home SP3, and regularly managed and up-dated - hard drive defragged - adequate memory  etc.    Once Movie Edit Pro 16 is up and running, I have no trouble with video creation.  It's just the 5 minute start up that rather spoils things!

Do you have any further thoughts?

Thanks - I appreciate your help!