Movie Edit Pro 12 Freezes on startup (Vista 64 Bit)

haukeye wrote on 1/20/2009, 8:52 PM
I have upgraded my computer to and switched the OS to Vista Ultimate 64bit. I installed Movie Edit Pro 12 and when I start the program the computer freezes necessitating a hard boot. I downloaded the updates for Edit Pro and it has made no difference it still freezes checking for limitations. Does anyone out there know what we can do I am not alone with this problem and it would be nice to know if there is a fix.
Thanks All


Lazerboy wrote on 1/21/2009, 10:01 AM
Tough to say as the release is short before Version 15. Vista 64 made some problems, but I never heared that it freezes, I guess that is a case for the support as it could be specific for your system.....
feluraunt wrote on 1/22/2009, 1:55 PM
It doesn't support 64 bit OS, none of the MAGIX software does to my knowledge.
chirva_a_s wrote on 1/25/2009, 3:31 AM
IF you PC is AMD Multicore Based (for example AMD Athlon X2):

All DualCore AMD processors for normal work demand installation of the special OPTIMIZATION driver.

Here that the manufacturer of processors speaks about this problem:

AMD Dual-Core Optimizer Version 1.1.4 - The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer can help improve some PC gaming video performance by compensating for those applications that bypass the Windows API for timing by directly using the RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) instruction. Applications that rely on RDTSC do not benefit from the logic in the operating system to properly account for the affect of power management mechanisms on the rate at which a processor core's Time Stamp Counter (TSC) is incremented. The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer helps to correct the resulting video performance effects or other incorrect timing effects that these applications may experience on dual-core processor systems, by periodically adjusting the core time-stamp-counters, so that they are synchronized.

download driver (1.1.4)
uebermann wrote on 2/6/2009, 11:26 PM
Tried the DCO software that Chirva said would work - it doesn't.  The system still locks up on checking limitations.  I do not have Aero running, I do not have UAC on, I am an administrator on the computer, and I have a quad core AMD cpu.

I've also tried running this in compatiblity mode as well as an administrator and nothing works.  Will try calling someone in their support about it.  MMEP12 does not appear to be 64bit compatible.
beazlee wrote on 3/15/2009, 6:23 PM
You are not alone. I used to love the software, but now that I bought my new computer, it won't work. It freezes exactly the same way as you describe. All of the stuff you list as hardware, I don't really think matters. the only thing that matters probably is the only thing that we have in common, namely Vista 64bit OS. I have Windows Vista Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 6001)
dalehale wrote on 3/30/2009, 2:17 PM
Hey haukeye you are not alone...again. I have the same problem. Just got a Vista
64bit system and the MEP12 freezes up every time after installation. I too like the program and would like to find a solution. I tried the download here on this page by chirva and now I will try to reinstall and see if it works.
jojjy wrote on 3/9/2010, 12:10 AM
Feluraunt answered your question. I just bought my MEP12 and the sellers said in big BOLD letters...Does not work on 64bit systems.  peace

I am sure there is a good software out there that will work on a 64-bit system.

iFletcher wrote on 5/7/2010, 1:16 PM
Sounds like it's time to go back to the tried-and-true, 32-Bit Windows XP.

chuckgreene wrote on 10/21/2012, 1:40 AM

right click run as administrator

chuckgreene wrote on 10/21/2012, 1:42 AM

it does run on 64bit