
gandjcarr wrote on 10/26/2012, 10:51 AM


What do you mean by Magix Accessories and what do you mean by monthly transfer cap?

crumpken wrote on 10/26/2012, 11:08 AM

There really is no product related to my question that I could see. I simply want to know what the data tranfer caps are if any. I do a good bit of graphics for people and Its much easier to archive those packs and link them to my web page than it is to try sending them directly to everyone concerned individually. I'm pretty sureyou've figured out by now just from reading this. I'm not very web savy and have no idea what I'm doing here. That is why I asked here about the caps if any because I'm still kinda unclear how a web host site works.  I just don't want to have my page closed by the host for having to many people or to much resource consumption so I thought I'd ask rather than be surprised later.

gandjcarr wrote on 10/26/2012, 11:34 AM


ok, now I get it, you are asking about web hosting with a Magix hosting account.  I thought it might be about web sites but I kind of thought you were asking about file transfers as in "is there any limit to the number of times I can update my site".

As far as web traffic goes, as far as I know there is really no limit to the number of people who can access your site during any given time period.

As for web content, there is a limit to how much content you can put on your site which should be outlined in the program you signed up for in terms of megabytes of disc space you consume.  If you reach your limit, the new content will simply not be displayed on your site and usually you will get a message when you are uploading content telling you that you are out of space.  You can always buy more disc space on the Magix servers if you need it.

I do beleive that there is a limitation as to what type of content you can host on the servers and that usually relates to "offensive" content which is kind of a vague term but that is the type of thing that could get your site shut down.

I do not work for Magix, but I do have a hosting account with Magix and this is pretty much what I know about how hosting at Magix works.  You may want to have a look at your hosting agreement which should be available when you log on to your hosting account.

Good Luck,
