Monitoring / Engine Mode Track FX Monitoring Used Buffers Hybrid

loft wrote on 4/28/2022, 1:45 PM

 Antelope Orion Studio  will only work in  Economy Move. it will not play Audio thru Antelope. it Plays in Samplitude (see in Meters) but i can't hear it or see it in Antelope Metering
Monitoring / Engine Mode Track FX Monitoring Used Buffers Hybrid section
I also am getting a ERROR when starting recording to start the song, but will record if the song is started and then put into record
The Hybrid Engine is Required for Recording track or bus outputs
Active Hybrid Engine
this just started, was there an update that mite be causing this?


SP. wrote on 4/28/2022, 8:33 PM

@loft Be sure you use an ASIO driver and set the monitoring to Mixer FX Monitoring Hybrid Engine (pull the slider completely to the right).

loft wrote on 4/28/2022, 9:37 PM

I have been using Samplitude from the day it came out. I have used with a Verity af Audio interfaces over the years and all of them needing to run with ASIO because of the studio demands of track count and latency. I am very familiar with how it needs to be set up to work. Please read my post again. There is something else going on with this particular Audio interface that I have never seen before happen

SP. wrote on 4/28/2022, 11:20 PM

@loft Please try the settings I suggested.