Monitor Export Progress

jwjack44 wrote on 1/28/2013, 10:20 PM

I now have MEP 2013 Prem. I like the editing features better than my other program. However, how do I track or monitor the progress as it renders/exports a movie? I don't mind guessing, but it would be nice to know the progress.

Also, what output is recommended? I tried AVI and got a 190 gig movie (I now know according to book, don't use AVI). The MP4 gives about 1.8 gig whether it is 1080p or 720. MXV is 10 gig, and I haven't tried Quick Time or MOV. On my other program this same size video, about 36 minutes is 1.8 gig as a MP4.

As always, thanks for the help.


cpc000cpc wrote on 1/29/2013, 2:14 AM


Don't you have a growing blue bar at the bottom of your screen?

This is from VPX but MEP2013 has the same but for slightly different wording.

Output recommendations depend on what you want do do with your finished product. Regular DVDs are mpeg2. AVI is a 'container' so file size will depend on our choice of codec -- uncompressed will be BIG! A more specific question will get you a better answers from those with better experience




jwjack44 wrote on 1/30/2013, 10:32 PM

Thanks for the info. When I went to full screen the CPU info line was hidden. I've found it now and feel better about life with MEP. This program does things I consider non-standard, but I'm learning.

I usually output to a MPEG4 format for storage. I use whatever the system wants when I upload to YouTube or build my DVDs. I am still playing with the different format types available just to see what I get. So discovery is still fun.

I am confused on 1 item on formats. Why does a QuickTime Movie give me sound only and no video? I have had that happen on all the QT videos so far. I sure it is a setting, I just don't know which one yet.

Anyway, Carl thanks again for the insights.

cpc000cpc wrote on 1/31/2013, 1:53 AM


We should get together! I tried a QuickTime export not long ago and got video but no sound!  

I'd guess it depends on source formats. Mine was a MEP screen capture video only and a .WAV file from another program.

'...whatever the system wants...' may not be the best, but I think the only way is go is try a variety of settings and compare the output. MPEG-2 export used to default to 'Quality 10' and most users would bump that up to 15. I don't think ( = I don't know! ) it affected file size much but was more related to rendering speed -- the higher quality using perhaps a slower but more thorough algorithm for calculating compression. 

Unrelated but a possible future trip-up... A friend was occasionally losing the thumbnails along the timelines in his MEP 2013 -- all of them for any given clip. Problem simply (after hair pulling stage) fixed but doing a vertical zoom to display fewer tracks at once.

Be happy in you learning,


DNLuce wrote on 5/9/2013, 11:38 AM

Regarding the export with no audio or video: I've caught myself doing dumb stuff such as muting a track and forgetting to unmute it before exporting, with the result being whatever was muted didn't go to the export.  

For that matter, I've found that most of the "unexplained" glitches i've encountered were caused by something I had done but not undone.  One of my favorites is having some clip way down on track ten locked to track one or two making it seem all buggy for no apparent reason.

jwjack44 wrote on 5/9/2013, 10:14 PM

Thanks for the feedback. I've moved up to Pro X5, and the video rendering (exporting) tracking has it's own status window (my original question). Pro X5 is pretty cool.

Right now I'm trying to learn how the Pro X5 program builds titles with NewBlue Titler. The editing elements to give a sharp title box  on my videos and such. So right now I'm not smart enough about the process to ask a question, but I will be hunting help in the near future.

DNLuce wrote on 5/10/2013, 8:59 AM


Thanks for the feedback. I've moved up to Pro X5, and the video rendering (exporting) tracking has it's own status window (my original question). Pro X5 is pretty cool.

Right now I'm trying to learn how the Pro X5 program builds titles with NewBlue Titler. The editing elements to give a sharp title box  on my videos and such. So right now I'm not smart enough about the process to ask a question, but I will be hunting help in the near future.

How many programs do you now have?

jwjack44 wrote on 5/10/2013, 10:13 PM

I have only 3. PowerDirector 11 which was my first Prosumer editor. It is really nice and I got really good with it, but it was limited (i.e. not easy to build 2 camera views, if video has multiple segments it becomes unstable at 30 minutes and above). I tried AVID (trial version) and thought it was neat, but too complex for me at this stage.

I then picked up MEP 2013 trail, which has some features like AVID (JKL keys). I used this board to learn how to use the program better then bought it. Real nice but limited on titles, unlike PowerDirector.

Then Magix offered Pro X5 at a discount, so I gave it a try. It does some things better than MEP, has better control of options, etc. Now that I have learned more about the titler and found NewBlue Titler, I think I can replace PowerDirector for everything but for my DVD maker. But even that will be just a matter of practice before I move everything off PowerDirector.

Bottom line. Pro X5 has features I still haven't used, but I like the control over the edit environment I get with Pro X5. Now if I just learn how to extend those silly caption boxes to more than 9 seconds.