
Procyon wrote on 9/9/2010, 10:47 PM

Don't know.  I tried this a few weeks ago, but I couldn't figure it out.


When I imported a multi-instrument MIDI file into Vita, it converted all of the instruments to the default piano.  I tried to reassign the different notes to separate instruments, but I couldn't make it work.


However, it's my understanding that you can make multi-instrument MIDI tracks by overdubbing.  So, perhaps you can create them but not edit them.  It wouldn't surprise me.

siriusbliss wrote on 9/19/2010, 4:49 PM

Try opening up the MIDI editor window and selecting other instruments in the pull-down tab at the top.


If your track has Vita inserted, then it should see all the Vita preset instruments.

For Revolta or Robota it probably will not, since those two synths work differently.