MMM 2022 Premium upgrade to version not working

Don-P wrote on 1/6/2022, 8:37 PM

I just updated my Magix Music Maker Premium 2022 to the latest update version and now the program will not allow me to change output to ASIO without crashing the system and my project files will not load properly or play. I have a monster computer running Microsoft Windows 10 with 32 gig of RAM. I've not ever had problems running MMM in the past.

This was not a problem in the previous version before the update. I've sent several crash reports to Magix but wanted to see if there was a way to revert to a previous version so I can continue to enjoy making music until a fix is implemented.

Thank you so much for any help or input.


SP. wrote on 1/6/2022, 9:18 PM

@Don-P You can try to reset the program settings via the File > Settings menu.

Don-P wrote on 1/7/2022, 9:47 AM

I tried your suggestion but unfortunately, it only allowed MMM to switch to the ASIO output without crashing my program this time and then connect using my USB audio interface but the only sounds that would come out were clicks and pops. Interstingly, some of the MMM paid loops would play but they too were glitchy. Additionally, my previous MMM projects still will not load properly or play. Some of the loops in these projects that I've placed on tracks just come in blank even after confirming that the file path to the source is correct. Other loops on tracks show visual audio waves in the objects but do not play unless I put a single track in solo mode, then it will play through the ASIO output through my USB audio interface and into my monitors. I also tried to remove my USB audio interface and just get sound to play from my computer speakers and I still get the same glitchy pops and cracks as described above so I do not believe it is related to my USB audio interface. Combining the facts that my project tracks are not loading and the sound issues seem to be program related rather than setting related due to my ability to get just one track to play in solo, I tend to believe it is a program update issue still, but if there are some settings that I can try based on the info above, I'm desperate to try them.

Don-P wrote on 1/7/2022, 10:01 AM

I just figured out something that may be useful or helpful in your advising me. For the problem with my projects not loading properly, I found that if I go to the file folder where an audio loop is located and delete the marker or info files that MMM places each time I use a loop wav, the audio will then load properly. The files I deleted were file type HO file, H2 file and HS file. These are the files added to the file folder each time I drag and drop and audio wav into a track on my project to create an audio object. That fixed the individual correct audio on certain tracks and then those corrupt tracks will now play only in solo mode. But again, if I try to play the entire project, the song with not play and only pops and clicks come out.

I'll continue experimenting but please let me know if this gives you any idea what is going on.

Sincere thanks for help.

Don-P wrote on 1/7/2022, 10:18 AM

Sorry to keep adding info...I've also found that if I open any instrument on a track and play it either with my mouse, using the QWERTY keyboard or using a midi controller, the sound comes through the ASIO>USB audio interface and through my monitors beautifully. I'm not sure if that is useful or just confuses the matter. I personally believes this supports that my ASIO and USB interface are working properly and it is something in the MMM software that is the problem. Any ideas? Any way to remove MMM and reinstall on older version so I can at least continue to work on music until I can figure out the solution?

Thanks again!

SP. wrote on 1/7/2022, 2:35 PM

@Don-P What audio interface are you using? Does it come with its own ASIO driver? Or does it crash the program if you try to change the driver? What are your buffer size settings inside the drift settings?

Did you try a clean reboot of your computer? Not just shutting it down and restarting it.