MM2021 - Cannot stop recording and reverts to free version

Eleyan wrote on 12/21/2021, 5:28 PM

I have the 2021 MM, version .44, yesterday was just fine, but today I was recording and I couldn't get the record to stop. I've also noticed that despite closing Magix MM I am getting error messages when I try to open again that a version is already open. This was was after I restarted my computer.

The 3rd problem is that MM keeps reverting to the FREE version for some reason. As often happened in the past I get so far, but I end up pulling my hair out in frustration and productivity on my favorite hobby is reduced to zero. When it does this, I cannot see the latest work I have done. This includes the folder section on the left, which shows RECENT SONG that are not recent at all, it never seems to refresh.

Windows 10, G7


SP. wrote on 12/21/2021, 5:44 PM

@Eleyan Try to reset the program settings under the menu File > Settings. If you cannot log back into your user account and Music Maker always tells you it is the free edtion I would suggest you go into the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store.