MM14 Hangs While Loading Media Pool

gyster wrote on 3/19/2009, 11:12 PM
I've downloaded and installed MM14 Producers Trial Edition.  When I try to start the program, the splash screen comes up, but when it reaches "Loading Media Pool" it appears to stop functioning, and the only way I can abort is to use task manager>processes tab and stop the Music Maker process.  My system is an Intel Q9550 on an Asus P5WDG2-WS Pro motherboard running Win XP Pro 32 bit, 4gb ram, ATI Fire GL V5200.  Sound is integrated on MB (SoundMax HD).  I've also downloaded the patch, but this produces the same results.  Any help is appreciated.


LaneC wrote on 3/20/2009, 10:19 AM
I have the same problem and here is a couple of things that worked for me (for some reason).  First I un-installed MM14Studio from the installation file (not control panel)  When you run the installation file a second time it gives you the option to un-install.  After re-installing I downloaded a second copy of content packet 4.  I don't know it the origional was corrupt but it worked.

The second time that happened I accidently clicked on the MM14 Icon (even though the splash screen was hung) and all of a sudden it loaded.

It hangs on the initilization of the sound files for some reason.

Hope this helps, good luck.