I finally broke down and have to move from my really old copy of Cubase. I'm trying out Samplitude. They are very similar almost to the shortcuts, but not quite. Gooe enough though for a major leg up on the learning curve. There is one thing I can't figure out though. In cubase the mixer was either set up long ago, or by default, as prefader. So I could see the effects of the VST plugins on the track I performed it on in the main project window, but I did not see the effects of what I did with the fader in the mixer window . So, I could hear the effect but see all tracks at 100% vloume. I figured out how to use plugins on an object, but I can not figure out how to get the fader to work prefader with Samplitude. I hope this can be done
Mixer pre/post fader
wrote on 7/18/2023, 2:06 PM