MIDI recordings deleting themselves

StormriderAdventurer wrote on 5/28/2020, 3:54 AM

Purchased Magix music maker early April, got premium as was on sale (£69.99). I am currently working on my first solo album, and have encountered many flaws, some more personal, but one very limiting issue exists for me indeed, (lack of time sig variety and inability to change tempo halfway through a song, which seems like a fundamental function of a music software, in particular one priced at over £100), but mainly, one which, as you can imagine, has caused me much stress and frustration. I record my guitar (audio rec), which doesn't ever get deleted, and then using my MIDI keyboard, drums, bass, keys etc. I will then save this work and come back to work on this song another time, only to find that over half of my MIDI recordings have spontaneously deleted themselves, without me having actually used this software in between producing/recording/mixing. Recently, a bassline has started doing chromatic shifts (recorded in Dminor and using D F G A Bb C E, and now this bassline won't play low D, and every note now does some kind of chromatic slide (F to F# in one note for example). Needless to say, as I am trying to work on an album, all by myself, I am not enjoying this software so far, and am considering getting a refund or just getting another software, which I can't afford but oh well, as these problems are fairly incapacitating for me musically/productively. I am using Magix Music Maker premium version Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks. (I am using a Windows 7 computer)


SP. wrote on 5/28/2020, 5:07 AM

Sadly there are severe bugs with MIDI functionality which have not been fixed yet. There are some topics about this problem in the German language section. The MIDI clips disappear when they were split or trimmed and the project is saved and reopened.This hasn't been fixed for a very long time. It seems to be a complex problem with no fast solution.

A possible workaround is to export all MIDI clips before closing the project. This is tedious, but you can reimport all clips after reopening the project.

Another idea is to use Samplitude Music Studio or Samplitude ProX. Maybe the sales support will give you a coupon when you tell them, that Music Maker is not usable for you in its current state and you want to switch.

StormriderAdventurer wrote on 5/28/2020, 5:19 AM

Sadly there are severe bugs with MIDI functionality which have not been fixed yet. There are some topics about this problem in the German language section. The MIDI clips disappear when they were split or trimmed and the project is saved and reopened.This hasn't been fixed for a very long time. It seems to be a complex problem with no fast solution.

A possible workaround is to export all MIDI clips before closing the project. This is tedious, but you can reimport all clips after reopening the project.

Another idea is to use Samplitude Music Studio or Samplitude ProX. Maybe the sales support will give you a coupon when you tell them, that Music Maker is not usable for you in its current state and you want to switch.

Thanks sibling, that has helped a lot. Is really sad that Music Maker has so many problems, I could see this software being used by many ritualistically if it weren't for those reasons mentioned by us. I will try all those you have recommended before potentially moving on, as getting used to another software again seems very tedious for me at this moment of my life. Will also check out German forum, thanks once again sibling, love.

Chantal-Rioux wrote on 8/18/2020, 11:20 AM

Hi I experimented the same behavior. Thanks for sharing this info! I thought I was doing a bad manipulation. I found a problem with the workaround of exporting and importing midi file. When I export the midi from a previous version of the MM project file (because I always keep backups along the process), the imported midi file does not have the same speed although it is the same speed into the two MM projects. I was lucky enough to have the same midi part into my current project which I did not cut with scissors. I simply copied the midi part and removed the unwanted part by reducing the block with the cursor. I could recover this block which was my complete midi recording. So I don't cut no more my midi recordings but play with the size of the block to hide or show the parts I need in my music. Thanks again!