Midi Imput not working

Joseph-Morgan wrote on 7/25/2018, 9:32 PM

Hi I hope this question hasn't been answered before but I couldn't find the exact problem I am having. But when I have connected my Midi Keyboard to the program, I am getting no recording from that. I have checked with other programs (Musecore was the one I tested with) and the Midi is working completely fine there.

And it isn't a sound not playing issue. When I use the onscreen keyboard in music maker, I get sound from that and there is both visible notes and it records properly. But I cannot get my Midi Keyboard to have any effect on the program.

Is it a setting gone wrong, I will post a screen shot of my midi settings, but nothing there seems wrong. I would love to get help with this thanks.



ralftaro wrote on 7/27/2018, 9:12 AM

Hi there,

I trust the driver you have picked for the MIDI input represents the correct driver for your USB MIDI keyboard. If so, please try restarting Music Maker. (Always make sure to connect, and possibly turn on, a USB-based MIDI keyboard first, before you start up Music Maker.)

I understand you're ruling out a playback-related issue, and the on-screen keyboard seems to work fine, but I'd still recommend having a look at the information I just posted under this thread:


Please go for ASIO drivers (and also make sure in the advanced settings for the ASIO drivers that the audio output gets sent to the correct sound device), and see whether that helps. It's your best option for recordings anyway, as Wave drivers may result in excessive latency times of the MIDI input, and thus in timing/sync issues of the recorded track in relation to your backing tracks.


Bluesea wrote on 7/28/2018, 4:21 PM

Here are some problems and solutions based on experience.

USB doesn't work? Turn off program disconnect and connect again. Start program again.

Try playing a virtual instrument. If it plays with your mouse but not with midi, try changing the settings to choose a driver that you want.

It should work now.