I've been using Sound Forge Pro for many years and recently upgraded from v10 to Sound Forge Pro 12. I've found the new version clumsy by comparison. Every time I open a new file that has a different bit depth to what is already open, I have to create a new, blank file first, then select the bit depth before I can load the new file. Or else, close all the open files first. Not good if you want to jump from one song to another for comparison if their properties are different. Sound Forge Pro 10 never had to do that. It would just set the parameters to match whatever I opened. Please fix that issue. Also there seems to be a difference in the metering. The Standard stereo meter on the right of the screen shows that the song I'm working on at the moment peaks at -0.6dB (the hardware meters tell me the same thing). However the True peaks (dBFS) meter says it's peaking at +0.5. Which is it? Or are they telling me two different things? It's a 32bit file if that means anything. I'm running Windows 10 (with the latest updates), RME Fireface UCX audio interface, Intel Core i7-33770K @ 3.5GHz, 32 MB RAM and multiple disc drives.