I suspect a serious bug here somewhere.
Once again, there seems little chance of anyone reproducing it. But this is the second 2013 project in two days with this sort of problem. These illustrations hopefully explain.
Or for better quality: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4019461/MEP2013-InvisibeAudioClip-Another.jpg
And here's what I did immediately before. I had two finished projects, made earlier in MEP 2013: Day 1-3 and Days 4-5 (of a holiday in Nice, France). With the first open I added the second (without closing). Then I copied it and pasted it into the first, at the point shown. This was preparatory to burning a DVD of the whole project, Day 1-5, which I cannot do now.
Here's the obvious source, i.e. the only place in the entire project where that sound occurs. Somehow MEP has picked it up and injected its contents at an arbitrary time in the pasted section, without displaying it.
Or for better quality: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4019461/MEP2013-InvisibeAudioClip-Source.jpg
The only behaviour I've ever seen that has any similarity at all is a fairly frequent occurrence (in all recent versions). The preview monitor will briefly show a totally irrelevant image, often something at or close to t=0 (or occasionally t=end), even though the marker or selected object is far into the project timeline. It's never had any serious consequences, and I've dismissed it as one of MEP's many quirks. But the new 'invisible object' issue may be related - and is serious!
The backup https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4019461/OneTrackPuzzle-John.zip
which I included in my last post in the thread
is small enough for anyone whose curiosity is piqued sufficiently to try. Just see what happens if you load MEP 2013 with TextReveal-2-Abba.MVP. I get the invisible tracks I described in that post.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK