MEP 2013: Changing photo length

terrypin wrote on 12/20/2012, 1:47 AM

This illustrates the puzzle:


Shouldn't MEP be able to intelligently deal with such a minor adjustment? Or have I overlooked (or forgotten!) something basic please?

Later I'll check it in pevious versions.

Edited a few minutes later: It's clearly something to do with those sound clips (microphone narrative I added) because when I temporarily deleted them all I could then correctly alter durations of the photos.

And after another few minutes... When I dragged that section of audio objects from track 2 into track 3, all was well. Anyone know why?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK


Last changed by terrypin on 12/20/2012, 2:22 AM, changed a total of 3 times.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK. PC: i7 6700K, 4.0 GHz, 32GB with Win 10 pro. Used many earlier versions of MEPP, currently mainly MEPP 2016 & 2017 (Using scores of macro scripts to add functionality, tailored to these versions.)


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