MEP 15 will not update to version 8.6.1

Lebrunj1 wrote on 10/27/2010, 1:44 AM

 When ever I triy to download MEP 15 it tells me that a new version has been foiund and proceeds to download it but not install it because it says that the Magix Software cannot be found on my pc.  And that I should reinstall it from the original CD.  I purchased the Download version what am I to do?  These companies are there for you before you buy but once they get your money then its another story.  


john-auvil wrote on 10/27/2010, 9:30 AM

When you installed the download, was it installed to the defaulted directory?


What I mean by that is, when you installed the program, did you let it choose where to install or did you tell it to install to a certain location?


It could be, that if you told the software to install in a certain location that the patch is trying to install to the default location and there is nothing there to patch, therefore it cannot see the program.


Also, make sure your not running any background applications (those icons that hang out by the system clock) they could be causing a problem.