MEP 14, import a 16:9 video - MEP makes if 4:3

Bill_FL wrote on 6/28/2012, 2:30 PM

I am importing a video from a Nikon D300s, that is 720, 16:9 formart. When I bring it in, MEP14 says:


The active movie has a resolution of 1280x720 (16:9) 24.00fps. The file "DSC_0233.AVI" has a resolution of 1280x720 (4:3), 24.00FPS


Then it asks me if I want to adjust. No matter what I do, it crunches the file down to 4:3. Why is it doing this? IF I go play the file in other software, it plays fine at 16:9.




cpc000cpc wrote on 6/28/2012, 7:51 PM


'The problem with 'Industry Standards' is that there are so many to choose from! I'd say that as MEP 14 is now quite old, it doesn't have the smarts for the newer file formats -- Sony's is very likely just a bit different that say Panasonic 16:9 which used to work for me in version 14.

When you say you clip gets crunched, is the a 4:3 image in a 4:3 project window, or do you have a 16:9 project with black bar on either side? I'd suggest first manually (re)setting the project to 16:9 from the 'File' >> 'Movie settings...' window [E] key shortcut and then if necessary stretch out your clip to fill the wide screen frame. In MEP14 this is a right click on the clip and go to 'Image size and position...', or [Ctrl + D] shortcut.

