
Former user wrote on 10/22/2022, 9:40 PM

@eric-eiser Markers don't move. Unlike other DAWs markers don't move with the track, file etc. You have to move each one yourself. There is no grouping function for markers either. Good Luck to you

eric-eiser wrote on 10/23/2022, 6:10 AM

No, that’s not the problem, there is a cursor that moves over the track as it’s played. It does not work unless a menu item is pressed and held above. It also will not update…

Former user wrote on 10/23/2022, 9:25 AM

@eric-eiser "does not work unless a menu item is pressed and held above" sorry, but I'm at a loss to understand just what you're describing? Could you make a screen shot of this ? OH and don't update, there are NO bug fixes or program enhancements. Cheers