Magix Pro 12 Burning Problems Use To Work Fine Until Recently?

victorn57 wrote on 4/2/2012, 4:26 PM

I've been burning several DVDs with Magix Pro 12, but lately every homemade edtied dvd i try to burn i get a message saying: Source Material May Not Be Editable With Smart Rendering ?? It says to uncheck Smart Rendering and then it won't burn all my video files? It will just burn the first two chapters and that is it?

I never had to mess around with the burning settings, i'd just put a blank and it would burn it with menus, chapters, music....etc. But now it keeps giving me this annoying error and i don't know how to fix it? Anyone out there knows why it began to do this?

For your information, these edited dvds have been burned before and never had any issues with the burning settings, much less having to uncheck Smart Rendering?


john-auvil wrote on 4/3/2012, 10:26 AM

It has been a long time since I have used the version 12... I am not sure where the tick box for Smart Rendering is exactly in that version anymore.

Smart Rendering is meant for the program during the process of burning to skip the content that has already been rendered into the necessary format for burning and just render things that are not yet rendered or anything that was edited initially to be re-rendered at the edited spot.

I am not sure if that helps you at all, but... have you tried disabling the Smart Rendering and attempting the burn process?

victorn57 wrote on 4/3/2012, 12:13 PM

Thanks john-auvil for the help, but i have already disabled Smart Render and when i go to burn my edited movie i end up with one or two chapters only? It will not burn the other 5 chapters and will play only the first two chapters,that is what annoys me so much? What tells me that something is wrong is that it begins to burn my dvd and finishes the whole 45 minute dvd in 15 minutes, impossible, i know the out come of the burn will be all messed up and it is?

What i don't understand is that i have been burning dvds just a few days ago and no problems at all, i would edit and add titltes and they would burn completely with all the chapters, titles and music, then the next day i began to get this annoying alert about having to turn off Smart Rendering? Like i said, so i turned off Smart Rendering and now i cannot get a complete burned dvd worth watching or keeping, its all messed up missing more than half of what i edited and worked on, that makes me so mad!

I also did in advance all those crappy patch downloads for Pro 12 for the newer version and that burner update too, to no avail, it still cannot burn a dvd worth keeping so i end up with so many trashed dvds?

john-auvil wrote on 4/4/2012, 10:56 AM

I haven't had that issue before... I am trying to wrap my head around it, but I havent used version 12 for a while.

Just out of curiosity, can you export the entire project as a MPEG-2?

If so, does all the content come out?

If it does, maybe you can import that MPEG-2 file into a new project an add the chapter markers where you want and burn from that... Just a suggestion. I am not sure what the cause of the Smart Rendering issue might be.