magix premium 2014 crash

kerrydales wrote on 1/9/2014, 6:07 AM

(RESOLVED )hi , i use tascam us122l audio interface with magix mx premium for vocals never had a problem with it, i got magix premium 2014 for christmas which works great with my midi keyboard but as soon as i go to audio record( using the us 122l audio interface) it crashes everytime but the program settings are set exactly the same  as they are in mx version, i've even updated the drivers for the tascam, hopefully someone out there can help.


gandjcarr wrote on 1/9/2014, 4:33 PM


One thing you did not mention are your computer specs.  Very important because your Tascam product requires a minimum of 512MB of available ram and a minimum peocessor speed of Athlon 1 GHz or faster.  Music Maker 2014 requires Processor: 2 GHz or higher Available RAM: 1 GB (2 GB recommended).  Usually an application crashes because it either runs out of RAM, or the processor just cannot keep up with the system requests.  You also did not say which operating system you are using and if it is 32 bit or 64 bit (this has a impact on how well if at all your OS supports the applications it is running.


kerrydales wrote on 1/10/2014, 2:25 AM

Thanks but I should have tried the obvious first before posting which is the magix "online software update"which seems to have fixed the problem for now, thanks anyway.