Magix Musicmaker Premium 2021 re-installation/activation failure

David-Bayes wrote on 5/6/2022, 5:05 PM

I had to uninstall the program and re-install now my serial number is not recognized, which means that I have only got the basic version, as I also cannot load one of my own compositions containing more than the four basic tracks.

maybe I should have downloaded Magix from my original email instead of just downloading the free version and using serial number that way. would be greatful for any insight



SP. wrote on 5/6/2022, 7:49 PM

@David-Bayes No, you did everything correct. After logging in with your user account, you should wait a minute and the program should display "Premium Edition " a t the welcome screen. There is no need to enter the serial number again. Then you need to redownload everything from the Download tab inside Music Maker.

If you still only see "Free Edition", please go into the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store. This will delete the cache of the store and often help with these problems.

David-Bayes wrote on 5/7/2022, 3:49 AM

Thank you for your response,I will go ahead and follow the procedure and hope it works,thanks again.