MAGIX Music Maker 'stutters' for about 20 seconds playing an arrangement

fulbourn wrote on 1/18/2013, 9:30 AM

MAGIX Music Maker 'stutters' for about 20 seconds playing an arrangement.

I've checked carefully that nothing is 'hiding' behind other objects. - no problems

I've tried to mute various tracks - to no avail

Hasn't happened until present composition.

By 'stutter' I mean it slows down and moves very jerkily and then after about 20 seconds - plays normally.

Please - any help or suggestions?


Former user wrote on 1/18/2013, 7:35 PM

I don't know how much work is involved for you, hopefully when yu muted tahe tracks, yu did them ALL and one at a time and athen tried playing your composistion. You couldtry muting half of your tracks, say the top 4 first and see if its in the top4 if not restore and mute the botttom 4 ad go from thre....if all else fails, start over, record one track and play it back, tahen record the 2nd track and playit back with track 1 muted, then play back track 1/2 together, then go to track three, record, play back, mute 1/2 ...still no problem, tahen unmute 1/2 an play tracks 1,2,3 and just keep rolling'll either find the problem or it will simply go away and whatever key or button you pushed in error the first time won't reappear if you are careful enough.  Good luck 

fulbourn wrote on 1/20/2013, 2:21 PM

I'll give it a try!  However, I've tried something along these lines already.

What I'll try next week is to reduce buffers although I've not has any problems with the 70 or so songs I recorded in 2012.


I'll let you know if I find the answer.

VisionarySoundSystem wrote on 1/23/2013, 2:02 PM

Hi Fulbourn. Is it a latency issue and all the PC's CPU is being used up? If so try altering your sound card/latency settings. I sometimes suffer this if I am working on a track with lots going on & lots of individual sound effects being used on the tracks. If you are happy with a section you can always use destructive editing and save as a WAV or Flac then load that into the arranger to work further on the track but using less CPU in the process.
