My Arturia VST 2s work fine - any of the Artiria VST 3s fail. A blank white box is shown and the program freezes.
So I have to kill the program with a Cntl / Alt / Del to get to the Task Manger.
I then get the attached message that causes all sort of nonsense if you follow either the yes or no option. You can't re-start Magix properly - there's nothing that I can see with another visit to Task manager to cancel - so forced to re-boot - most annoying.
This behaviour is often the case with a MMM premium 2022 when there's a crash which is too often in my opinion.
So there' really 2 questions here:-
1. What's up with Arturia' VST 3s? - Other VST 3 seem ok
2. What is this msg box on a crash.
Why is it being displayed?
What is it attempting to do?
Whatever it is trying to to it offers nothing - it's options are useless