Hi I wonder if someone can help me with this really annoying problem. I have a blank project, I click on Keyboard and leave it set to 2: E Piano but all of the instruments seem to do this error that I am going to describe.
So here is what I am trying to do.
I click new project.
Once ready to go I click the Keyboard button at the bottom to show the keyboard and hit record.
The midi record is lit on lane one and I play a little tune on the little keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
I hit stop and rewind to the start.
Tada nothing recorded
Then I try maybe 20 times more starting over and over and maybe 3 out of 20 it shows the notes in the block and I can hear the sound.
It does it more when I change the instrument to another.
Very strange as I would have thought that is exactly what the record function is meant to do, record the input, and all the time not just a few % of the time.
I noticed if I double click the block and look there is actually notes in there but still even played from this view I cannot hear them until I move them all up or down and put the notes back where they were. Then I hear it but isnt that just an epic long way round when It should work everytime without all that agro.
Can someone tell me if there is a reason that it does that or I am missing something obvious.
btw hi my name is sarah and thanks in advance for the assistance :)