I bought a new camcorder yesterday by Silvercrest, and it records its video's in AVI format, but it uses a H.264 codec. I have tried opening its video files in magix movie maker 16, and all it does is just give me only 2 seconds of the video clip. I also tried opening it up in sony vegas platinum 10, and all i get is only the audio of it, and even then its blank.
However, i can play them in windows media player, and i can open them up fine in windows live movie maker. And i think i read on a website earlier that windows lock all their codecs, meaning that other programmes cannot borrow them. So this makes me think that all of this is a codec problem. And please dont suggest for me to download an ffsdshow codec (think thats its name?), i tried that already. What i now have is the whole video file being able to appear in both magix and vegas, but i get black flashes in them sometimes.
Ive also tried emailing silvercrest themselves about it. Ive also tried searching for and downloading a H.264 codec, but not been sucsessful, certainly not easy and straightforward as getting an xvid codec.