MAGIX Movie Edit Pro MX Premium - Plugins/Slides

kjellbh wrote on 1/21/2012, 11:14 AM

I have oppgraded to MAGIX Movie Edit Pro MX Premium. When trying to open projects made by an erarlier version, the progtram ask for a plugin: slide_movewave_01.mxv. I have removed my earlier program version, and wonder why MAGIX Movie Edit Pro MX Premium not seems to be compatible backwards. Can anybody send me a version of the actual file?





cpc000cpc wrote on 1/21/2012, 4:23 PM


I just did a search for 'slide_movewave_01.mxv' and find a copy in every version of MEP installed including Pro MX Premium. The folder is always  ...\Plugins\Slides but the exact location depends you your version of Windows eg 'C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\MAGIX...' or 'C:\Program Data\MAGIX...'.

The error message box should list the full path to the missing file -- which I'd suspect still references a folder of your now removed program. Try using the 'Folder' or 'Directory' option and point to the copy installed in your new MX Premium.



kjellbh wrote on 1/22/2012, 10:21 AM

Dear Carl!

I have of course searched for the file on my own computer, with no result. After you info, I did a new installation of the program (repair installation), and I still miss that file. I have the licenced "download version" of Pro MX Premium, can that be the reason?


dizpark wrote on 1/26/2012, 6:47 AM

I don't know, but perhaps the "download version" could indeed be the problem.  Have you downloaded and installed all the additional components after the installation of your programme? These additional downloads are available under Help menu. Maybe (but just maybe) your missing file is in one of the downloads - these include templates for various slideshow styles.

kjellbh wrote on 1/28/2012, 4:09 AM

Thank you for support! As I have told you, I have the licenced "download version" of Pro MX Premium. In this version there is no folder called ...\Plugins\Slides. All suported additional coponents are added. Still - the "slides" "plugins" are missing. At the moment I am reinstalling MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus. 

timtom27 wrote on 4/6/2012, 6:13 PM

I've got that problem also.  I do have that directory and the files on my old computer though.  I've found there doesn't seem to be a way to have v18 just copy or import the Plugins I've got from my previous version (v14).

I wish MAGIX would keep things compatible or create some kind of converter