Magix Installation Error

kate-mcswain wrote on 10/26/2022, 7:44 AM

I keep getting the same message on my computer after trying to install my new Sound Forge Audio Studio and I've even re-downloaded and retried a lot of times. It continues to tell me this (this link is to a screenshot of the message I'm receiving for this technical problem): Magix technical Problem

Please let me know what I can do?


SP. wrote on 10/26/2022, 8:24 AM

@kate-mcswain Here you can find direct download links for your version:

Kevin-Day4138 wrote on 10/26/2022, 4:01 PM

I tried using the links provided for the install but now I get a message saying it can't be securely downloaded. It really shouldn't be this hard.

SP. wrote on 10/26/2022, 5:26 PM

@Kevin-Day4138 Just allow the downloads.